Jeudi, 11 juin 2015


Comment faire avaler l'austérité au peuple alors que tous les paliers de la hiérarchie sont corrompus…Le peuple (nous) n'est même plus scandalisé des scandales, la réflexion collective est plutôt de se demander quel sera le prochain et dans quel secteur d'activité… Du Sénat, en passant par tous les paliers gouvernementaux, ajoutons la commission Charbonneau, les directeurs de commissions scolaires accusés de fraude, jusqu'à certains profs qui font du plagiat. Mais alors, à qui faire confiance? Je crois qu'il serait temps de faire du ménage dans nos placards avant de vouloir passer pour un peuple vertueux auprès du pape.

Ce qui est, c'est qu'il y a des gens qui protègent l'incompétence, le vol, la fraude, etc. Prenez le cas de la rectrice Nadia Ghazzali. Depuis 2013, cette dernière aurait dû être destituée, selon la recommandation du comité d'éthique et de déontologie de l'UQTR.

Une séance extraordinaire à huis clos du conseil d'administration de l'UQTR a eu lieu le 21 mai 2013. Le comité d'éthique et de déontologie y présentait son rapport commandé par le conseil d'administration à la suite de la diffusion par Radio-Canada d'un reportage sur la chaire de recherche de Nadia Ghazzali. Source: Radio Canada, Amélie Desmarais

Personne ne s'est posé de questions à savoir en quoi le CA allait à l'encontre des recommandations de son propre comité d'éthique et de déontologie, en plus de payer tous les frais d'avocat.

Les frais d'avocat de 80 000$ engagés par Nadia Ghazzali, dans cette affaire, lui ont d'ailleurs été remboursés par l'Université. Source: Radio Canada, Amélie Desmarais


Nous pouvons nous poser la même question pour chaque dossier de fraude, de corruption, de collusion, de lois spéciales, etc. Que se cache-t-il derrière? Souhaitons-nous vraiment le savoir? Si oui, qu'allons-nous en faire? Envoyer les contrevenants servir de la soupe et faire des gâteaux?

En marge de l'enquête préliminaire qui analyse la preuve accumulée contre ses 34 coaccusés et lui, Gilles Vaillancourt fait du bénévolat dans un organisme d'aide aux démunis, dans le quartier Chomedey. Au moins deux fois par semaine, M. Vaillancourt franchit les deux kilomètres qui séparent sa résidence de l'île Paton de l'organisme Partage Saint-Maxime. C'est là qu'il travaille aux cuisines et sert des repas. Source: La Presse, Kathleen Lévesque

Et nos dirigeant voudraient que le peuple attende patiemment, qu'il demeure calme, serein et attende... et ce sans faire aucune manifestation…


D'être en faillite comme nos cousins européens? Ou de faire comme les États-Unis, qui refusent de voir que, sur presque tous les points, leur situation est bien pire que celle des Européens: leur dette publique atteint, en effet, aujourd'hui 18 300 milliards de dollars, soit 110% du PIB national.

En attendant de faire la guerre, d'avoir un apport désastreux dans la contribution antipollution, d'avoir saigné nos ressources naturelles, d'être complètement endormis par les psychotropes (euphorisants, hallucinogènes, stimulants, somnifères, antidépresseurs), attendre de se laisser empoisonner par des pesticides mortels utilisés à la discrétion de nos cultivateurs canadien.

Pendant que nous sommes embrouillés avec la commission Charbonneau, la grève des policiers et pompiers, la gestion des manifestations étudiantes, l'austérité, les profs, les garderies, nous n'avons évidemment pas le temps de nous occuper des affaires du Canada. Il est peut-être temps de sortir de nos petites guégerres et voir le jeu à un niveau supérieur.

Voici les points importants ressortis  lors du discours « One Nation » de la reine Elizabeth II. Même cette dernière n'a pas obtenu le dernier mot sur les propositions pour une « loi britannique sur les droits » (British Bill of Rights)!

De nombreux parlementaires l'ont contestée et ont obtenu gain de cause, puisque la nouvelle loi ne sera pas introduite sans vote. Pas de lois à baillons

Autres éléments forts du discours de la reine, qui devrait capter toute notre attention si nous souhaitons sortir de l'austérité. Le programme « Right to Buy » inspiré des premières années thatchériennes, qui permet à des locataires de racheter leur logement social à un prix modeste, est validé. Aucune hausse d’impôt de quelque sorte n’interviendra avant 2020, qu’il s’agisse de la TVA, de l’impôt sur le revenu ou des cotisations sociales. Ceux qui travailleront moins de trente heures par semaine seront exonérés de l’impôt sur le revenu. Gel des impôts


En proposant des idées constructives comme le gel d'impôt pour ceux qui travaillent moins de 30 heures par semaine, aucune hausse d’impôt de quelque sorte n’interviendra avant 2020, donner les mêmes privilèges aux travailleurs autonomes qu'aux PME et industries. En entreprise, le bon gestionnaire rassemble tous ses joueurs et cherche en premier lieu la force unique de chacun. Une fois établis, tous se réunissent afin de regarder ce qui est sur la table des talents, par la suite le cerveau collectif trouve une façon stratégique pour maximiser les forces émergentes.

Aucune entreprise privée n'encourage ni ne protège l'incompétence, le vol, la fraude, et ceux qui le font sont soit coincés dans une structure qui les contraints, soit ils font de l'aveuglement volontaire, soit ils sont mal informés, mais une chose est certaine, une compagnie qui continue dans cette tangente cours à sa perte.

Ainsi il en va de notre province, de notre pays… Le Canada et le Québec vont attendre quoi pour éviter la catastrophe…? Regardons les pays européens en faillite, les États-Unis. Qu'ont-ils en commun? Qu'ont-ils attendu pour se réveiller?

C'est au peuple (nous) d'envoyer un message clair!




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bg web - 13 octobre 2021
"I am a person who has to eat what I want to eat to relieve my aptitude. What kind of style are you? Let's discuss our own styles. Please give me your opinion.
먹튀검증업체 - 22 novembre 2021
토토사이트 Manchester United fired Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after three years as manager on Sunday after a fifth loss in seven Premier League games.
토토사이트 - 22 novembre 2021
먹튀검증커뮤니티 ''Ole will always be a legend at Manchester United and it is with regret that we have reached this difficult decision,'' United said a day after a 4-1 loss to Watford.
먹튀검증커뮤니티 - 22 novembre 2021
안전놀이터 Former midfielder Michael Carrick, who was on Solskjaer's coaching staff will be in temporary charge, starting with a trip to Spain for a Champions League match at Villarreal in the group stage on Monday. United said it would look to then appoint a manager only until the end of the season.
안전놀이터 - 22 novembre 2021
토토커뮤니티 Solskjaer's future has hung in the balance before but he has finally lost his job at the club where he was adored as a player, notably for scoring the dramatic late winner in the 1999 Champions League final. He couldn't replicate that success as a manager, failing to win a single trophy.
토토커뮤니티 - 22 novembre 2021
카지노사이트 ''While the past few weeks have been disappointing, they should not obscure all the work he has done over the past three years to rebuild the foundations for long-term success,'' United said. ''Ole leaves with our sincerest thanks for his tireless efforts as manager and our very best wishes for the future.
카지노사이트 - 22 novembre 2021
토토검증 ''His place in the club's history will always be secure, not just for his story as a player, but as a great man and a manager who gave us many great moments. He will forever be welcome back at Old Trafford as part of the Manchester United family. ''
토토검증 - 22 novembre 2021
사설토토 Coming after chastening losses to fierce rivals Liverpool (5-0) and Manchester City (2-0) in the last month, Solskjaer said he was ''embarrassed'' after United's lackluster performance at Watford but insisted after the game he still could turn things around at the club.
사설토토 - 22 novembre 2021
메이저놀이터 Recent results suggested otherwise. The team is seventh in the Premier League, already 12 points behind leader Chelsea after 12 games.
메이저놀이터 - 22 novembre 2021
스포츠토토사이트 That's far from good enough for a team that finished second last season and was supposed to challenge for the title after adding superstar Cristiano Ronaldo in the offseason along with the $100-million signing of England international Jadon Sancho.
스포츠토토사이트 - 22 novembre 2021
검증놀이터 The Norwegian had been able to ride out previous stretches of underperformance, in part because of his popularity with fans as a former striker who took on legendary status because of his ability to come off the bench to score crucial winners.
검증놀이터 - 22 novembre 2021
먹튀사이트 Both the United States and Britain are close allies of Australia and the countries in September entered into a security partnership to help Australia build nuclear submarines. The trilateral deal riled China, the major rising power in the Indo-Pacific region.
mukoff - 25 novembre 2021
토토사이트추천 President Joe Biden last week said the United States is considering a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics, a move that would be aimed at protesting China's human rights record, including what Washington says is genocide against minority Muslims.
totooff - 25 novembre 2021
먹튀검증 The Australian government is awaiting the decision by the Biden administration before it makes a call on a diplomatic boycott, the report in the Sydney Morning Herald said.
tototimez - 25 novembre 2021
검증놀이터 "A decision on (Australia's) representation at the Beijing Winter Olympics is yet to be made," a spokesperson for Sports Minister Richard Colbeck said in an emailed response. Australia's foreign affairs department did not respond to a request seeking comment.
mukclean - 25 novembre 2021
스포츠토토사이트 A diplomatic boycott would involve not sending a delegation of officials, but allowing athletes to participate.
scoretvs - 25 novembre 2021
먹튀폴리스 Britain has not yet made any decision on who will represent its government at the Olympics but Prime Minister Boris Johnson does not support the idea of boycotts, said his spokesman earlier this week.
mtpolice - 25 novembre 2021
슈어맨 Australian politicians from the ruling Liberal-National coalition and the opposition Labor party are urging the federal government to boycott the event, which will be held in February, the newspaper reported without citing a source.
sureman - 25 novembre 2021
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에볼루션카지노 - 28 janvier 2022
Korea will next face Syria on Tuesday. Syria will be the home team but the match will take place in Dubai as the neutral venue for the civil war-ravaged country.

mukoff - 30 janvier 2022
Struggling to generate much offensive rhythm on a bumpy field, Korea still made frequent forays deep into the Lebanese zone with long balls or quick short passes.

totooff - 30 janvier 2022
Korea kept pushing for a second goal. Lee Jae-sung's diving header in the 71st minute bounced just wide left of the target. Some eight minutes later, Kwon hit the right side of the net with his left-footed volley.

tototimez - 30 janvier 2022
Starting forward Cho Gue-sung scored late in the first half and Korea held on for dear life in Group A action at Saida International Stadium, in Sidon, south of Beirut.

mukclean - 30 janvier 2022
Lebanon missed out on a last-minute free kick opportunity and Korea remained undefeated in the qualifying phase.

scoretvs - 30 janvier 2022
There are two groups of six in the current qualification stage and the top two nations from each group will grab automatic tickets to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

mtpolice - 30 janvier 2022
Cho then broke the deadlock during first-half injury time. Hwang Ui-jo threaded a perfect cross from the left wing, and Cho snuck behind two defenders as he slid and redirected the ball into the net.

sureman - 30 janvier 2022
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에볼루션카지노 - 3 février 2022
Everyone of all ages can enjoy the game, but in special cases, it is regrettable that there is an age limit, but I think there is a reason for everything to share. 메이저토토사이트

메이저토토사이트 - 18 février 2022

I have instructed my team to set up a charitable foundation where all net proceeds from the sale will be donated,'' he said. ''The foundation will be for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine.

mukoff - 3 mars 2022
''Please know that this has been an incredibly difficult decision to make, and it pains me to part with the club in this manner,'' Abramovich said in a statement. ''However, I do believe this is in the best interest of the club.''

totooff - 3 mars 2022
The ripples of the war also led to the loss of key Russian-linked sponsorship at another Premier League club Wednesday.

토토커뮤니티 - 3 mars 2022
''In hindsight, especially with the public profile it would bring me, maybe I would have thought differently about owning a club,'' Abramovich was quoted as telling Forbes. ''But, at the time, I just saw this incredible game and that I wanted to be a part of that in one way or another.''

먹튀검증 - 3 mars 2022
Faced with the threat of financial sanctions targeting Russians, Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich announced Wednesday he is trying to sell the Premier League club that became trophy-winning machine thanks to his lavish investment.

보증업체 - 3 mars 2022
Parliamentary privilege had been used by Labor Party legislator Chris Bryant to claim in the House of Commons that Abramovich was already looking to sell London properties, speculating that ''he's terrified of being sanctioned.''

토토사이트 - 3 mars 2022
One potential buyer had already gone public to reveal Abramovich was trying to sell with a price tag of at least $2.5 billion floated. Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss claimed he ''received an offer on Tuesday to buy Chelsea from Abramovich'' along with three other people.

안전놀이터 - 3 mars 2022
토토사이트 Tottenham Hotspur's Son Heung-min has scored in a second straight Premier League match to maintain his lead in the team's goal department.
토토사이트 - 16 mars 2022
토토커뮤니티 Son's 17th-minute score, which followed an own goal by Everton defender Michael Keane, gave Tottenham a 2-0 lead.
토토커뮤니티 - 16 mars 2022
미니게임사이트 Son deftly cut in between two defenders to collect a pass from Dejan Kulusevski and then fired the ball from just inside the box past the diving goalkeeper Jordan Pickford.
미니게임사이트 - 16 mars 2022
검증놀이터 Son leads Tottenham with 11 goals and is in fourth place overall in the league, one behind the Liverpool duo of Sadio Mane and Diogo Jota, and eight back of another Liverpool star, Mohamed Salah.
검증놀이터 - 16 mars 2022
보증업체 Harry Kane, Son's sidekick who grabbed a brace Monday, now has 10 goals.
보증업체 - 16 mars 2022
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sdfsaf - 4 avril 2022
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sdafas - 4 avril 2022
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sdaf - 4 avril 2022
mtgumc - 24 avril 2022
Royalcasino30 - 26 avril 2022
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kbrbcm06026 - 8 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06027 - 8 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06028 - 8 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06030 - 8 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06031 - 10 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06032 - 10 juin 2022
Hello guys It's amazing, easy to read and understand. especially the content that is concise Thank you for sharing
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kbrbcm06033 - 10 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06034 - 10 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06035 - 10 juin 2022
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kbrbcm06036 - 10 juin 2022
Hello guys! It is an article that is very easy to read and understand. Thank you author for sharing this article.
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รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาท on mobile

kbrbcm06037 - 11 juin 2022
Hello guys! I'm really impressed with this article, especially this one I'm really interested in. Thanks to the author for sharing this article.
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รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาท on mobile

kbrbcm06038 - 11 juin 2022
Hello guys! It's amazing, easy to read and understand. especially the content that is concise Thank you for sharing
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รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาท on mobile

kbrbcm06039 - 11 juin 2022
Hello guys! This article is very interesting, well written and easy to read. Thanks to the author for sharing such good things.
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รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาท on mobile

kbrbcm06040 - 11 juin 2022
Hello guys! For this article, I'm the author. very well written For anyone interested I would recommend reading a lot.
รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาท
รีวิวสล็อต 10 บาทบนมือถือ
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Chun climbed a spot to reach No. 10 in the latest world rankings released Tuesday. The last time she had ranked inside the top 10 was in March 2018, when she was No. 8. Chun sat as high as No. 3 on different occasions in late 2016 and early 2017. 메이저놀이터
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