Mercredi, 29 août 2012


En marchant dans les rues de Montréal, l’évidence saute aux yeux. Il y a beaucoup trop de sites de restauration. Preuve d’un manque de discernement de l’administration municipale, qui accorde des permis sans planification aucune.

Faites quelques pas et vous allez trouver successivement un Sushi shop, un Amir libanais, un Subway, un delicatessen, un Starbuck, deux pizzeria, et quatre comptoirs à café. Et la liste s’allonge à l’infini. Et on ne parle pas des petits restaurants de quartier et d’autres plus prestigieux. C’est le délire. Curieusement on fait des histoires sans fins à la Ville pour des questions de zonage en habitation, mais c’est totalement le bordel du côté de l’attribution des permis de restaurants. À croire que tout ce qui intéresse la Ville, c’est d’arracher de nouvelles taxes.

Mais au final, l’administration n’est pas si gagnante que ça. Car combien de faillites chaque année dans ce secteur. À telle enseigne que depuis longtemps les banques ne prêtent plus à ceux qui veulent se lancer dans l’aventure. Trop risqué. Les banques ont cette sagesse, mais pas le conseil municipal. Tu veux t’ouvrir « Le Roi du pogo »? C’est parfait mon ami, tiens voici le permis. Et des permis, il y en a pour tout. C’est l’acharnement. Permis d’affichage, selon si tu colles un « sticker » devant la porte vitrée ou derrière, permis de terrasse, permis de ci et de ça. Approbation de l’enseigne par l’urbanisme. L’aménagement intérieur à être aux normes, quand ils ne vous exigent pas une porte de toilettes pour les chaises roulantes.  La liste est longue. On arnaque littéralement le restaurateur.


Montréal n’a pas le volume de population, ni de touristes pour absorber tous ces endroits où vous pouvez bouffer. Je m’étais laissé dire que côté bars, il y en avait 700 à New York et 2000 à Montréal. Avec dix fois moins de population chez nous. Dans beaucoup de cas, chez les restaurants branchés, on sait fort bien que la mafia s’en sert pour blanchir de l’argent. C’est normal, un mafieux doit bien avoir une profession officielle. Eux ça ne les dérange pas. Si le restaurant ne décolle pas, paf on réinvestit 250 000$ (pris où?), on change de nom, on fait une soirée bling bling avec des bimbos sur échasses et des mecs qui roulent les mécaniques. Et le tour est joué. On espère juste qu’il n’y aura pas de fusillade à l’intérieur.

On les reconnaît, ces restaurants, par leur décoration tape-à-l’œil. Mais surtout leurs « serveuses », de vraies pitounes qui se signalent par leur décolleté généreux. Mais ne leur demandez jamais un ballon de vin. Elles ne savent pas. Il faut dire tout simplement, un verre de vin svp. À ce propos, un chroniqueur mondain et homosexuel me racontait cette anecdote savoureuse. Il se trouvait justement dans un de ces établissements à la mode quand au moment de présenter le plat principal, un sein de la serveuse est sorti de sa robe. Et lui de crier au gérant : « Eh bien moi je ne paie pas ».


Dans ce domaine, c’est proprement l’anarchie. Tout ce qui se mange trouve son comptoir, y compris les queues de castor, que le président Obama avait découvert lors de son premier voyage à Ottawa. Des succursales de la Belle Province aux géants McDo et Burger King, en passant par les buffets Vichy et la chaîne de sandwiches vietnamiens Vu, il y a de tout et en trop, comme je le répète. Moi aussi je suis adepte d’une bonne cochonnerie de temps à autre. Vous pensiez que je me postais pour saisir l’occasion d’un sein qui sort? Voyons donc! Mon repaire c’est le Bingo, dans l’arrondissement Verdun. Trois hot-dogs steamés, une frite et un Diet Pepsi pour 5,49$. Vraiment! Même le cure-dent est fourni. Mais c’est un repaire d’Irlandais assez antifrancophones. Mais j’adore m’y rendre, surtout l’automne, quand j’arbore… mon béret. C’est comme si je débarquais dans un saloon du Dakota. Si vous voyiez les faces de ces rougeauds!

Mais pourquoi je vous parle de tout ça? C’est que les restaurateurs, pour beaucoup, attendent le client. Sauf au Bingo, c’est le line up du matin au soir. Pour le reste ça râle. Dans le cas des bons petits restaurants de quartiers, ils ont la ferveur pour la gastronomie mais aucun talent pour la gestion. Ils ont tout mis sur les murs et dans le menu. Mais quand vous leur demandez s’ils ont prévu un budget pour la publicité, ils répondent par la négative, parce qu’ils ont tout mis sur les murs mais rien en marketing. Ils capitalisent sur le bouche-à-oreille ou que Marie-Claude Lortie, la critique de La Presse, les encense. À condition qu’elle ne soit pas dans ses crottes. Car alors vous allez amèrement regretter le petit commentaire du samedi. Justement, parce que la restauration est une vocation risquée et qu’il y a surenchère sur le marché, on devrait désormais, à la Ville, se montrer très restrictif. Quand tu as vingt lieux de bouffe entre deux coins de rues, pourquoi en ajouter un vingt et unième?

Cet article est classé sous :Restaurant
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토토사이트 Manchester United fired Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after three years as manager on Sunday after a fifth loss in seven Premier League games.
토토사이트 - 24 novembre 2021
검증놀이터 The Norwegian had been able to ride out previous stretches of underperformance, in part because of his popularity with fans as a former striker who took on legendary status because of his ability to come off the bench to score crucial winners.
검증놀이터 - 24 novembre 2021
안전놀이터 Former midfielder Michael Carrick, who was on Solskjaer's coaching staff will be in temporary charge, starting with a trip to Spain for a Champions League match at Villarreal in the group stage on Monday. United said it would look to then appoint a manager only until the end of the season.
안전놀이터 - 24 novembre 2021
사설토토 Coming after chastening losses to fierce rivals Liverpool (5-0) and Manchester City (2-0) in the last month, Solskjaer said he was ''embarrassed'' after United's lackluster performance at Watford but insisted after the game he still could turn things around at the club.
사설토토 - 24 novembre 2021
카지노사이트 ''While the past few weeks have been disappointing, they should not obscure all the work he has done over the past three years to rebuild the foundations for long-term success,'' United said. ''Ole leaves with our sincerest thanks for his tireless efforts as manager and our very best wishes for the future.
카지노사이트 - 24 novembre 2021
먹튀사이트 When Choi was hired on Nov. 16, he was immediately tasked with trying to rescue Gangwon FC from being relegated to the second-tier K League 2 next year.
mukoff - 26 novembre 2021
토토사이트추천 The last-place club in the K League 1 will be automatically relegated to the K League 2 for 2022. The 11th-place team will face a K League 2 playoff winner in the promotion-relegation playoff next month.
totooff - 26 novembre 2021
먹튀검증 The must-win match for Gangwon will kick off at Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Seoul at 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
tototimez - 26 novembre 2021
검증놀이터 First up will be Jeonbuk at 2 p.m. Sunday at DGB Daegu Bank Park in Daegu, some 300 kilometers southeast of Seoul.
mukclean - 26 novembre 2021
스포츠토토사이트 Daegu FC can't finish any higher than third place, and it may be tempting to assume that they have little left to play for.
scoretvs - 26 novembre 2021
먹튀폴리스 Jeonguk, though, have dominated Daegu FC recently, with six wins in their past seven meetings. Jeonbuk have scored at least two goals in each of those six victories.
mtpolice - 26 novembre 2021
슈어맨 Ulsan, meanwhile, will visit Suwon Samsung Bluewings at 2:40 p.m. Sunday. These two clubs have had one win, one draw and one loss against each other this season. (Yonhap)
sureman - 26 novembre 2021
"If I can keep plugging at it, I think I should be able to attain that goal, the 2015 LPGA Rookie of the Year said. "I am going to conserve some energy in the early weeks of the season and try to peak for key tournaments."

mukoff - 14 janvier 2022
"I pushed myself too hard because I wanted to play well at the Olympics," said Kim, who finished tied for ninth in Tokyo.

totooff - 14 janvier 2022
Kim, a 12-time winner, said being world No. 1 is still her "ultimate goal," but she won't otherwise limit herself to specific statistical targets.

tototimez - 14 janvier 2022
"I had a tough year last year," Kim told reporters after a corporate event in Seoul. "I set some ambitious goals for myself. I wanted to be No. 1 in the world and play well at the (Tokyo) Olympics. I played in a lot of events from early on and traveled quite a bit. I shouldn't have done that, because I ended up being so exhausted both mentally and physically."

mukclean - 14 janvier 2022
Still hoping to reach the top of the rankings, the world No. 5 said she will try to pace herself better in 2022.

scoretvs - 14 janvier 2022
Kim Sei-young collected at least one LPGA victory every season after bursting on to the scene in 2015, but that streak came to an end in 2021.

mtpolice - 14 janvier 2022
Looking back on last season, Kim said Thursday she might have overexerted herself in the early months and hit a wall before she could get anything going.

sureman - 14 janvier 2022
"Finding out Leif would most likely not be here for our baby's arrival was absolutely sad," she had written on Instagram.

메이저놀이터 - 9 février 2022
U.S. biathlete Leif Nordgren watched his wife give birth to their first child via video call from the Beijing Games the day before his first race, after being apart from her since mid-November.

토토사이트추천 - 9 février 2022
"He's essentially in a little bit of a lockdown and therefore he will be a little bit more available to answer my phone calls and things like that," she said.

토토커뮤니티 - 9 février 2022
"That was really cool," 32-year-old Nordgren said of watching the birth of his daughter.

먹튀검증 - 9 février 2022
"I can barely handle how cute this girl is, and I can't wait to get home to meet her!! @caitlinnordgren we did good," he wrote on Instagram, Wednesday, alongside a picture of his newborn daughter.

보증업체 - 9 février 2022
But she said there was "a silver lining" because her husband's presence inside the strict COVID-19 'bubble' surrounding the Olympics meant she could easily get hold of him.

토토사이트 - 9 février 2022
"It was really nice to be on video chat and talking with my wife pretty much the entire time. A really special day for our family."

안전놀이터 - 9 février 2022
토토사이트 Tottenham Hotspur's Son Heung-min has scored in a second straight Premier League match to maintain his lead in the team's goal department.
토토사이트 - 17 mars 2022
토토커뮤니티 Son's 17th-minute score, which followed an own goal by Everton defender Michael Keane, gave Tottenham a 2-0 lead.
토토커뮤니티 - 17 mars 2022
미니게임사이트 Son deftly cut in between two defenders to collect a pass from Dejan Kulusevski and then fired the ball from just inside the box past the diving goalkeeper Jordan Pickford.
미니게임사이트 - 17 mars 2022
검증놀이터 Son leads Tottenham with 11 goals and is in fourth place overall in the league, one behind the Liverpool duo of Sadio Mane and Diogo Jota, and eight back of another Liverpool star, Mohamed Salah.
검증놀이터 - 17 mars 2022
보증업체 Harry Kane, Son's sidekick who grabbed a brace Monday, now has 10 goals.
보증업체 - 17 mars 2022
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메이저안전놀이터 - 7 juillet 2022
Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors edged out fellow South Korean side Daegu FC 2-1 to advance to the quarterfinals of the top Asian club football tournament Thursday. 먹튀검증
먹튀검증 - 20 août 2022
Kim was the beneficiary of some fortuitous bounces, just when the match seemed headed for a penalty shootout. 토토커뮤니티
토토커뮤니티 - 20 août 2022
Song Min-kyu put Jeonbuk up 1-0 in the opening moments of the first half, as he took a cross from Han Kyo-won at the center of the box and found the back of the net with his right foot. 토토사이트
토토사이트 - 20 août 2022
Daegu FC pulled even about 10 minutes into the second half, thanks to Zeca's right-footed shot set up by Hwang Jae-won's pass that floated over multiple defenders. 카지노사이트
카지노사이트 - 20 août 2022
Jeonbuk are now the only K League 1 club still alive in the annual AFC tournament. They won the AFC crowns in 2006 and 2016 슬롯사이트
슬롯사이트 - 20 août 2022
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